Winter Paw Patrol

Posted by Ellie Peters on

With the changing weather conditions, it’s important to consider the impact this has on our dogs. We all love getting wrapped up and out into the great outdoors and nobody enjoys walkies more than our furry friends.

A lot of us have a quick glance out of the window before we head out and decide which coat and shoes to put on, and sometimes we ask the dog... if they want their coat on (I’m not sure why we ask, as they don’t answer us back, so we always make the decision on their behalf) but, very rarely do we think about their paws.

So, here is our quick reminder of what to remember when it comes to winter paw patrol:

The cold weather can play havoc on your dog’s bare paws, did you know the raw cold can cause their paws to chap? Ice and snow can in some cases cut paw pads, as well as a lot of the products used to melt the ice and snow are irritants to our pooch’s paws.

Be sure to check your dog’s paws throughout the winter and when your dog comes back in from a very cold and wet walk, it’s a great idea to towel-them dry and clean their feet.

If they’ve been out on a snowy and icy walk, we’d recommend you make sure you get all the snow and ice cleared out between their pads. If you are aware your dog has walked where roads or paths have been treated with salts or other alternatives to melt the snow and ice, wash their paws with warm water and dry them thoroughly – this will prevent your dog from licking their paws to rid themselves of the itchy salt and potentially making themselves sick.

There are also plenty of different types of boots on the market to protect your dog’s paws from all of the dangers the cold weather brings. We recommend “Pawz” boots and have information about them on our dog health & hygiene section

If your dog doesn’t like boots, there is MaxWax which is a completely natural paw wax, ideal for paw health, also available from us.

Another tip is to trim the fur around your dog’s toes and pads so they’ll be easier to keep clean and dry, this is quite easy to do or if your dog visits the groomer, just ask for it to be done on their next visit.

Our dogs enjoy their walks and being outdoors on adventures, so now you have all the advice and handy tips you need, grab your coat and boots and get walking!!!

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